The Jim Blog

Father to the Fatherless : Interview

On the 23rd of June 2023 I was privileged to be interviewed by Karen Pascal (Executive Director, Henri Nouwen Society) about our journey together. We are currently working with Prison Fellowship Canada on a project, ‘Father to the Fatherless’. I was asked by the Society to produce a series of talks based on the book…

Return of the Prodigal Son

The Prodigal Son teaching series, based on the book by Henri JM Nouwen, will be a seven to ten-part teaching series aimed at Prison Ministry. The filming of the Pilot Session was scheduled for April 28th 2022. Before the filming, Denis wanted to share some thoughts on the process and the powerful impact that Henri’s…

Chasing Shadows

Hebrews is not the first book that most people choose to read. It certainly wasn’t the first book I chose. It is a difficult book to understand in light of the world now, how we live our lives now and how different the world is to the world that the writer is writing to and…

Who is Your King?

Psalm 74 is a difficult Psalm, a difficult piece of Scripture that you probably won’t find in your daily devotional of uplifting Scripture verses. But it is a reminder that we have to read the Bible for ourselves and we should read it every day.

What to do while we wait

As believers we are not called to simply sit around and wait for the King to arrive. Jesus was always on the move. Jesus was always actively healing and preaching and loving people. We must do the same. As we wait on the King we must hope, worship and witness.

Honest Faith

I don’t know where or when Jesus found you but when He found me, I had been foolish and had sinned. Jesus found me and I know the words of the Psalmist, the words that describe what Jesus did for me, to be true. Jesus restored me.

Be Restored!

I don’t know where or when Jesus found you but when He found me, I had been foolish and had sinned. Jesus found me and I know the words of the Psalmist, the words that describe what Jesus did for me, to be true. Jesus restored me.

Who have you told?

Psalm 67. We must not forget where the blessing comes from, who this Psalm is about and who this Psalm is for. The Psalm reminds us that God will judge the people righteously and that there will come a time when all the ends of the earth shall fear him.

Powerful Words

Reading the Bible is a journey. It’s a Spiritual journey that you take each day with your Father in Heaven. Bible time should be Pray, Read, Pray, Read! Where you go before the author of this beautiful, powerful, life-changing, truthful book and humbly ask that He would ready your heart, open your eyes and ears…

Daily JIM : Are You Satisfied?

Psalm 63 – The question today is whether you are satisfied? Maybe in this time of isolation God is asking whether you believe that God satisfies us. What are you looking forward to when this is all over? Maybe those are the things that have been satisfying you.

Daily JIM : The Higher Rock

As we read Psalm 61 today we hear God speaking to us, His children. He reminds us that when we are overwhelmed we can ask Him to take us to a higher rock.

Daily JIM : Delight in the Lord!

Psalm 37 speaks to our hearts about the promises and assurances of a Father who knows we’re going to go through tough times. If you read this Psalm you cannot miss the promises God gives to His people during these strange days.

Daily JIM : We see Light!

When I read the Psalms I often imagine myself to be the writer. I see myself as the ‘good guy’ calling out to God for help as I valiantly fight against the wicked. But as I read Psalm 36 I slowly realised that I may be the wicked person. If look honestly at the description…

Daily JIM : Who is the enemy?

David pleads with God to fight on his behalf. Jesus is our intercessor. The Good Shepherd who will fight off the wolf. Jesus is our divine defender. When we encounter them that fight against us we must step back and we must be humble, knowing that the fight is not ours but can indeed be…

Daily JIM : The fear of the Lord

As a new believer I didn’t know what it meant to fear the Lord. When I was born again and transformed I knew that everything had changed. The Holy Spirit filled me with a love for Jesus and a deep desire to follow Him. I knew exactly what those men must have felt like when…

Daily JIM : Taste and See!

God can write the most intricate, lovely and beautiful novel in eight verses! Today as we read the first eight verses of Psalm 34, listen to the beautiful story that God is speaking into your life.

Daily JIM : Hope in the Lord

In the world today we throw the word ‘God’ around so easily; choosing to forget who we speak of. The words ‘God’ and ‘Jesus Christ’ are used fearlessly on a daily basis to curse and swear. Blasphemy has become the norm and sadly, even professing Christians have forgotten who they are speaking of.

Daily JIM : Shout for Joy

Today as we pray we look to the promises of a Father who knows everything and sees everything. My encouragement today is that you would read Psalm 32, over and over, let the words soak into your heart, let the Holy Spirit speak to you as the Lord instructs and teaches you. The Lord reminds…

Daily JIM : Be of good courage

Today as we consider these strange times, let us go back to the promises of the Lord. As we read the Word, listen to the words and the promises of our loving Father.

Daily JIM : The Jesus Journey

Putting my faith in Jesus Christ did not make life easy. Putting my faith in Jesus Christ did not remove the trials, the tribulations. Putting my faith in Jesus Christ did not stop the storms of life.

Daily JIM : Someone Massive

Sometimes we need to remember who God is – how magnificent and how mighty He is. Sometimes we forget the scale of God and we start to minimize Him. Sometimes our days become so filled with worldly thoughts and worldly ambition that we forget about our God of Glory.

You need a catalyst

Sometimes we just don’t know where to start. As believers we know that we need to share the Good News but we often don’t know where to start! As days turn into months and months into years, we don’t see the spread of the Good News as we should, as we must. There is an…


In John verse 9, Jesus meets a man who has been blind since birth. This man has never seen the light, he doesn’t even know what he has missed. He is a blind beggar, unable to do anything useful. This man is dependent on the world around him for charity and scraps. Do you recognize…

The Honest Talk

It is always a joy to speak to young people about sharing the Good News and when I was asked by Honest to come and talk at his church, I jumped at the chance.

Do you tell lies?

When I was confronted with this direct, yet simple, question I had to think deeply. What is it about being accused of lying that unsettles us so much? Surely we all tell lies? I can’t believe that there is a person I know who hasn’t told a lie and if that is so, how can…

Speed-Trap Followers

Along the route that I drive home each day is a permanent speed trap. The speed limit is 60 Km/h and the trap has been neatly placed at the bottom of a hill to ensure as many unsuspecting victims as possible are caught.

Where is He?

In 1994 South Africans elected a new Government, Nelson Mandela became the President, The evil of apartheid ended and everything seemed to be new, positive and optimistic. Twenty five years later and nothing could be further from the truth. It is very difficult to find anything to be optimistic about.

About Me

Hi, I’m Denis. I have a passion for Biblical Evangelism and in 2019 founded John Israel Ministries. Our aim is to take the Good News of Jesus Christ to the world.

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